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    [贵州设施农业展]     更新时间:2024/4/20
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  • 欢迎访问2022中国贵州国际设施农业博览会 简称:贵州设施农业展,展会热线提醒您,展会2022年时间暂未更新,如果您需要参观请联系主办方确认开展时间,提前做好出行计划,如果需要订展位可以在线提交需求,展会热线将安排主办方招商专员和您对接,提供展位图及相关费用清单,对接过程中出现任何问题都可以第一时间请求展会热线协助。
    中国贵州国际设施农业博览会由海南华港两岸会展服务有限公司承办,  作出实施大数据战略和数字乡村发展战略、大力推进“互联网+”现代农业等一系列重大部署。2021年,是“***”农业农村规划开启元年,促进农业科技创新、加强现代农业设施装备建设、推动农业绿色发展、推进农村一二三产业融合、提高农业经营水平将是“***”规划编制的重点。为深入贯彻党中央、国务院战略发展规划及政策要求,在构建国内国际双循环中释放农业农村发展潜力,加快推进农业农村现代化,激发农业创新发展新活力,由我会联合贵州省农业农村厅农机装备处、贵州省农业机械技术推广总站、贵州省民用无人机协会共同主办的“中国贵州国际设施农业博览会


    The Guizhou International Facilities Agricultural Expo in China, hosted by Hainan Huagang Cross-Strait Convention and Exhibition Services Co., Ltd., has made a series of major deployments such as implementing the big data strategy and digital rural development strategy, and vigorously promoting the "Internet Plus" modern agriculture. 2021, is the "14th Five-Year Plan" agricultural rural planning to open the first year, to promote agricultural science and technology innovation, strengthen the construction of modern agricultural facilities and equipment, promote green agricultural development, promote the integration of rural one, two and three industries, improve the level of agricultural management will be the focus of the "14th Five-Year Plan." In order to deeply implement the strategic development planning and policy requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, release the potential of agricultural rural development in the construction of domestic and international dual cycles, accelerate the modernization of agricultural rural areas, and stimulate the new vitality of agricultural innovation and development, I will jointly host the "China Guizhou International Facilities Agricultural Expo" jointly organized by the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Department of Guizhou Province, The General Station for the Promotion of Agricultural Machinery Technology in Guizhou Province, and the Guizhou Civil Drone Association

    Theme Events
    (1) The current situation and development of intelligent greenhouse farming
    (2) Greenhouse sheds in the era of agricultural intelligence

    The range of exhibits
    Environmental control equipment exhibition area: plant plant overall equipment, plant lighting, LED lighting and lamps, consoles, nursery racks, seed storage boxes, nutrition tanks, three-dimensional planting racks, nutrition pipes, ventilation pipes, water-soluble fertilizer and so on
    Greenhouse horticultural materials: greenhouse engineering, complete sets of greenhouses, greenhouse materials, greenhouse supporting systems, greenhouse skeleton structures, shed film, insulation, coiled motors, ventilation systems, temperature control systems, ornamental plants, urban agriculture, sightseeing agriculture and so on.
    Intelligent irrigation exhibition area: agricultural irrigation equipment, horticultural irrigation equipment, precision irrigation, irrigation machinery, micro-irrigation system, drip irrigation pipe (belt) and pipe parts and other water-saving equipment, automatic control system, solar irrigation system, sprinklers, fertilizer pumps, plant protection machinery, water fertilizer integration facilities.
    Landscaping seedlings, flower exhibition area: green seedlings, planting balls (seedlings), leaf-watching plants, budding plants, production of seedlings, colored leaf trees potted root carving; garden machinery, biological group training, cultivation techniques and equipment; flower fertilizer, herbicides, plant growth agents, soil additives, peat, bamboo charcoal, tree-planting bags, cave plates, nutrition, seedling nutrition and horticultural materials;
    High-tech exhibition area: information agriculture, testing equipment, soilless cultivation, physical insecticidal, agricultural high-tech equipment, agricultural information and communication services, financial services and so on.

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